BadmintonBites was founded by two badminton enthusiasts whose objective is to raise awareness and increase the popularity of the sport, worldwide!
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Here’s Our Story:
Growing up in the United States, children are introduced to badminton as just another sport to be learned though Physical Education (P.E.) classes in primary schools. Due to the low presence of the sport in our neighborhoods, there were very few facilities available for hobbyists and even fewer gyms dedicated to the training and coaching of competitive players.
During our college days was where badminton became more than a sport. It transformed into a community. A haven of like-minded individuals who challenged each other to improve the level of play, who competed side-by-side to achieve greater accolades, and who laughed, bonded and grew as a team. Who knew that such camaraderie could be derived from a “P.E.” sport?
Fast-forward to present day and despite badminton being an integral part of our lives, we are still surrounded by constant misconceptions of this glorious sport. Common remarks uttered by colleagues include: “Oh, I love badminton! We have a net set-up in our backyard” or “I didn’t know there were specific gyms designed for badminton”. And with this, the mission of BadmintonBites was born.
Our mission is to change the perception of badminton, to give it the credibility it deserves as the fastest racket sport in the world. We aim to serve fellow badminton enthusiasts bites of badminton information across all facets of the sport. Ranging from basic knowledge of the rules and regulations of badminton to reviews of equipment, strategies, gameplay statistics and current events, BadmintonBites offers something for everyone. In the end, we hope to achieve the expansion of badminton communities worldwide so others can experience the joy, competitiveness and excitement that this sport can offer!
We would love it if you came along with us on this badminton journey. You can join us by subscribing to our email list below. We send out monthly newsletters to keep you up to date with our latest content and we give you access to a FREE badminton tactics PDF and 25% off our shop for joining us. We never spam. Hope to see you there!

Contact Us
Be it requests for new blog content, questions, sponsorships or concerns, we’d love to hear from you! Send us an email at: admin@badmintonbites.com
You can also find us on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/TheBadmintonBites/